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General information on DANETV

Danish Centre for Environmental Technology Verification - DANETV - is a collaboration between 3 GTS companies (approved technological service): DHI, Danish Technological Institute (incl. AgroTech) and FORCE Technology (incl. DELTA. These cooperate with ETA-Danmark, who is accredited as verification body under the EU ETV Pilot Programme by DANAK.

Each GTS company is a verification and test body in DANETV and represents one or more technology areas. However, DELTA has a "crosscutting and supporting" role in terms of carrying out for instance robustness tests.

DANETV offers testing and documentation (verification) within the following technology areas, where the three top ones are included in the EU ETV Pilot Programme:

The DANETV project was established in 2008 with support from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education and is for the time being continuing until the end 2015.

The DANETV project runs as part of a European initiative - EU ETV - designed to support the dissemination of climate and environmental technologies through verification of the technologies' performance (function and efficiency). ETV is already established in several countries including USA, Canada, South Korea and Japan. Click here for more information on EU ETV.

Verification is an impartial third party assessment of product performance. The verification statement can be used as evidence in relation to potential clients, authorities, etc. The buyers of those technologies will also get certainty for new and innovative products´ practical applicability.

When is ETV an obvious possibility?
With a verification statement (ETV certificate) that says: "The product works as we claim", Danish suppliers of climate and environmental technology products, has statement , which tell about  product functionality and efficiency. The exposure of the product and thus its market share will increase both nationally and internationally.

DANETV (coordinated by DHI). Contact Gerald Heinicke, tel: +45 4516 9268,

ETA-Danmark (accredited verification body). Contact Thomas Bruun, 7224 5968,